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Thanks to all the sponsors who have made the 2014 Blues Festival possible.

Quinte West

Our Host Hotel
For Festival Rates
Call (613) 394 4855
Promo Code: LXBL


Hewitt Power Plus
Electrical & Instrumentation


Madill's Pharmacy


Jim's Pizza

Full Gospell Tabernacle

Bay of Quinte Country

The Great Waterway

2009 Stage Photos
2009 Artists Photo Gallery

2009 Festival Photos
2009 Festival Photo Gallery












































































Frankford Festival

Thanks to all the sponsors who have helped make the 2014 Workshops possible.

Trinity Amps

Gibson   Yorkville




We would like to thank all
the local businesses for continued support of the Fellowships Events, Blues in the Schools and Artist Development programs

Church Key

Party for Peck
August 2nd, 2014

Blues in the Schools

Thanks to all the volunteers and sponsors who have helped us over the years.

SOCAN Foundation

Best Western

Select Energy

The Royal Canadian Legion
Branch 387, Frankford



JakeBunnyMusic Clips:

2011 Erin McCallum
2010 Workshops
2010 Erin McCallum

Quinte Live:

2011 Quinte Live
2010 Quinte Live Photos

Visit our Facebook page too

Facebook Page
Festival Facebook Fans

















































































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Contact us:

The Loyal Blues Fellowship is registered not-for-profit, volunteer community organization. The Frankford Island Blues Festival is produced each year by a volunteer festival committee. If you would like to be involved in the future Fellowship events please let us know.

Proposals for Festival Workshops, and Volunteer or Artist applications can be submitted by email to: [email protected]

Please include the intent of the email clearly in the subject line. If you are interested in advance camping registration let us know, as campsites are limited.

Phone: 613.392.1025

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